JAM property investments JAM investments JAM property
what we do
contact JAM

This arm of JAM. was formed in January of 2008 due to the current economic situation. We hope to offer a varying option to Venture Capitalist funding along with business consultancy/advice in all sectors. JAM. can provide an injection of cash, business planning/advice in return for a stake in the company. A range of further consultancy and business advice is available through an experienced team of specialists.

We recognise the problems associated with raising capital and will happily consider proposals for sketch outline ideas, formulated business, business looking to expand, float, sell on their merit. A mix of expertise and funding can be offered in return for percentages of the business/business generated.

Investment company
Venture Capitalist funding
Business Consultancy
Cash injections
Business planning

e. info@jaminvestments.co.uk
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